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Opening a Dialog

view code

Opening a static Dialog

The layout of the Dialog is fully described by the referenced HTML template: either the default "#dialog_generic" of a specific one.

You can fully customize the rendering with CSS; the default styles are provided by static/frontend_forms/css/frontend_forms.css

dialog1 = new Dialog({
    dialog_selector: '#dialog_generic',
    html: '<h1>Static content goes here ...</h1>',
    width: '600px',
    min_height: '200px',
    title: '<i class="fa fa-calculator"></i> Select an object ...',
    footer_text: 'testing dialog ...',
    enable_trace: true

A simple static Dialog

Opening a dynamic Dialog

In most cases, you will rather produce the dialog content dynamically.

To obtain that, just add an "url" option to the Djalog constructor, and it will be automatically used to obtain the Dialog content from the server via an Ajax call.

dialog1 = new Dialog({
    url: "/samples/simple-content",

Sometimes it is convenient to reuse the very same single view to render either a modal dialog, or a standalone HTML page.

This can be easily accomplished providing:

  • an "inner" template which renders the content
  • an "outer" container template which renders the full page, then includes the "inner" template
  • in the view, detect the call context and render one or another
def simple_content2(request):

    # Either render only the modal content, or a full standalone page
    if request.is_ajax():
        template_name = 'frontend/includes/simple_content2_inner.html'
        template_name = 'frontend/includes/simple_content2.html'

    return render(request, template_name, {

here, the "inner" template provides the content:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-4">
        <p>Ullam itaque dolorem error, nisi eaque alias, dicta facere natus magni est maxime optio recusandae deleniti ad obcaecati. Nihil ipsa fugit dolorum, consectetur dolor tenetur earum porro assumenda magni, eum adipisci suscipit veniam iure rem sed quos, fugiat et harum eum inventore quas rem, quam fugiat enim sit consectetur voluptatem adipisci dignissimos?</p>
    <div class="col-sm-4">
        <p>Sunt facere perspiciatis cum voluptatibus ad id eius sed quos velit. Quis numquam dolorem velit. Rerum sit commodi officia saepe, quibusdam soluta modi obcaecati veritatis iusto quas minus magni distinctio alias natus, similique dignissimos maxime recusandae eos hic autem repellendus impedit totam, similique blanditiis omnis quia quasi quam labore eius eligendi sed cumque voluptas, laborum ab hic nostrum officiis.</p>
    <div class="col-sm-4">
        <p>Doloremque dolores nemo, suscipit aspernatur dolorum veniam voluptatibus inventore eius facilis? Impedit delectus perspiciatis, molestiae itaque tempora incidunt, quae esse excepturi vitae perferendis laudantium dolor incidunt earum perspiciatis laborum sequi. In quam veritatis soluta odit, delectus eius tempora repellendus unde, cumque suscipit velit, aliquid vero hic eos beatae? Nostrum deleniti laborum nobis porro.</p>

while the "outer" one renders the full page:

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load static staticfiles i18n %}

{% block content %}
{% include 'frontend/includes/simple_content2_inner.html' %}
{% endblock content %}